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Meet Luis Luna

From a young age, movement has played a central role in Luis Luna’s life—from childhood games outdoors to organized sports, and later as a vital means for stress relief and personal therapy. Growing up, Luis realized the profound impact of physical activity not only on physical wellness but also on mental health. This understanding sparked his passion for promoting lifelong movement and helping others achieve their health and wellness goals.

Luis pursued his passion academically and professionally, graduating from Penn State Hazleton as a Physical Therapy Assistant. His education equipped him with a deep understanding of human physiology and the mechanics of the body. Through his studies, Luis mastered various modalities and therapeutic techniques, gaining a comprehensive toolkit to aid in both rehabilitation and injury prevention.

Despite his proficiency in traditional physical therapy, Luis felt a calling to expand his approach to include preventative care. This pursuit led him to discover Fascia Stretch Therapy (FST), a dynamic, holistic practice that emphasizes the importance of fascial health in overall body function. FST not only aids in the recovery process but also significantly reduces the risk of injury, enhances athletic performance, and improves flexibility and posture.

Intrigued by the substantial benefits of FST, Luis became a certified practitioner, driven by his belief in the power of preventative wellness. FST’s focus on improving joint mobility, reducing pain, and optimizing natural body movements resonated deeply with his philosophy of sustaining lifelong movement.

Today, as a committed Fascia Stretch Therapist, Luis is dedicated to empowering individuals to maintain and enhance their mobility. His approach goes beyond addressing immediate ailments, focusing on equipping clients with the knowledge and techniques to sustain their health and vitality long-term.

Luis is thrilled to bring his expertise to Imperium Stretch & Recovery, where he looks forward to supporting clients in their journey toward a healthier, more active lifestyle, ensuring they continue to move and thrive at every stage of life.


Luis will soon be offering Saturday sessions. In the mean time, you'll see him around the office getting to know all of you!