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FST For Postpartum

So you just had a baby, and your body feels like it’s been through hell. You’re simultaneously attempting to heal while your body is demanding twice your energy to produce milk and care for your newest addition to the family.

Your body hurts. It’s just experienced a trauma. It also is experiencing the deepest love you’ve ever known.

What is happening in your body is your body’s purest attempt to heal, while also trying to find balance after being completely thrown off balance, simply by losing the weight of your baby in your belly.

Your fascia just spent 10 months moving, adapting, stretching, and reconfiguring to make room for your precious, growing bundle.

When you give birth, all of a sudden you have no weight in your abdomen anymore. Your fascia begins to recoil. The change happened far too fast, no matter how slow the labor and delivery may have been.

If you experienced a C-Section, you’re not only experiencing this tremendous imbalance, you’re also experiencing the trauma of that exact tissue being cut open, in addition to your uterus being cut open. That’s 7 layers of tissue. That is hard, traumatic, and so much for your body to process.

Through this healing process, your body is also stretching in a new place to make room for your newborn's appetite. Milk! Your breast tissue will stretch, you will feel aches and pains around your mid back, and begin to feel so very tight everywhere.

From losing the weight of your baby in your belly, to gaining the production of milk in your breasts, your body is doing so much, so very quick!

FST can help.
In my personal experience, I found my aches and pains began with force AFTER birth.

No matter if you had the birth of your dreams, or if everything turned out differently, your body is going through so. Much.

It is very common for the body to tighten and retract postpartum because of all the extreme changes the body goes through.

Baby in belly, to no baby in belly. No milk, so HOLY MILK! To night sweats, bleeding, hair loss, and learning to breastfeed, the fascia is trying to find its new equilibrium.

FST can help gently guide your fascia back into balance to help your body begin to heal.

A postpartum FST session will look a bit similar to a prenatal session. That simply means we will be going slow, and providing a very gentle touch.

We will be paying close attention to the upper body, to help bring balance to the breast tissue as your milk supply comes in. And even if you are exclusively bottle feeding, your chest, shoulders, neck and upper back become extremely sore, just from cradling your baby. We will help bring you relief, so that you can be more present with your newborn.

Have questions? Reach out in the chat.

Or book a postpartum alignment now.