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What motherhood has taught me about my body, my fascia, and business

What motherhood has taught me about my body, my fascia, and business

Motherhood has taught me so much in so many nooks and crannies of life, but I want to share specifically what it has taught me about my body, my fascia, and business.


Simply... my body is FOR me. it is on my team. 

It will never do anything without a reason, but it's my job to slow down enough to listen and honor what I feel, see, and hear in my body. 

Secondly, my body is working hard to provide for myself and my daughter. This has taught me to really tune in to many things, but especially hunger cues and cravings for specific foods. During my pregnancy, I was severely ill and all I craved was dairy. What's a prominent nutrient found in dairy? Calcium! 

I've found myself craving foods that are rich in nutrients that myself or my daughter might need. I've learned to listen to those cravings and nourish my body so I can help nourish my daughter through breastmilk. 

Third, My body needs my attention. Over the summer I was working hard to catch up from my maternity leave and stress got the best of me. I ignored my body's signs that it needed rest and relief from stress. I fell sick in august and in September, I wound up with pneumonia. Stress is one of the leading emotions that tend to be stored in the lungs. The rest that was required to heal from pneumonia was my jump start to making sure I made time for my body, my health, both mental and physical. Stress is one of the leading causes of disease and inflammation in the body. I have made a commitment to myself and my family that I won't allow my stress to be first place in my life. 

Since then, I made a decision to take "One out-of-the-house self-care" trip a week. That could be getting coffee with a friend, a massage, going to the park and walking alone in silence, etc. Lately, I've really enjoyed getting acupuncture at The Cottage in Old Hickory. Maddie is a skilled practitioner and has helped relieve my aches and pains so much. 

Lastly, My body demands my patience. I won't heal over night. I bruised some ribs from all the coughing pneumonia caused and I still feel that pain. Stress is inevitable, but how I manage it is the key. I will never shy away from the fact that I go to talk therapy regularly. We all have STUFF we're working through. Even on days I feel like I'm good, having a session scheduled has been deeply helpful in keeping me grounded and sane! 


If pregnancy, birth, and recovery has taught me anything about my fascia, it's that it is the most incredible system I've ever had the honor of studying and working with. 

Just as I won't heal overnight, my fascia won't go back into place over night. Pregnancy is traumatic for the body no matter how created for it we are. It is absolutely incredible that the fascial system will adapt and literally tighten up in one area while stretching in another to keep our bodies stable, especially while pregnant. How can I support this beautiful system? 

With gentleness and patience for all it is doing. 

No system will recover in the same time or same way. I remember vividly feeling a fascial adhesion in my body that happened about 8 weeks postpartum. I was so confused because that area of my body had been checked by my doctor and the doctor told me how well I was healing. it was like, all of a sudden I had what we call a "recoil". Similar to a balloon after it's been filled with air and then deflated, it will stick together and even wind up into a ball, becoming tighter than before you blow it up.

Even at 8 weeks postpartum, I was so freshly in recovery, my body was STILL in that whiplash state. From having a 7+ pound baby inside me, to not within minutes is a massive change. 

If you've ever experienced whiplash, you know it takes YEARS for your body to recover. Birth is an internal whiplash. Patience and gentleness is demanded for graceful healing. 

Lastly, FOOD and WATER. 

When fascia is in optimal health, it should be able to glide smoothly along the surface of other muscles, tendons, organs and bones. When it is longing for nutrients and hydration, think of a dried out sponge. It is hard, tight, and does not move.

We know with breastfeeding, hydration and nutrition is everything to survive. 

A couple things that I have loved through my breastfeeding journey is taking Juice Plus Whole Food Concentrate daily vitamins, which gives my body 18 different fruits and veggies aside from my regular daily meals. I've also lived off LMNT electrolytes in my water to help my body absorb the hydration I need to keep my milk supply up. 



the number one thing I've learned in motherhood and business owning is that my time at home is more valuable than gold. This means my time in the office is far more valuable as well. I've had to learn to let go of around the clock work (as I enjoy what I do, and have always worked 7 days a week since the start of Imperium). You will find me responding to emails while cooking dinner, but this life change of becoming a mother simply means that I have outsourced where I can and plan to continue to outsource to help get the job done. My availability in the office looks different. There was a time where I was taking clients 6 days a week... now it is 2-4 depending on my childcare. I have learned to be ok with that. I will never complain about more time with my daughter. Coming home to her is my favorite part of every work day. 

All to say, business looks different because life and responsibilities have changed. It is beautiful, chaotic, stressful at times, messy, and all so rewarding.

I have so many dreams for this business and our community. It simply means I've had to surrender to asking for help, and that is honestly a really beautiful skill that is uncomfortable for me to exercise. But it is reality. 

Finally, my eyes see differently. My skills as a practitioner have shifted. I feel the tissue of my clients in a brand new way, and can literally visualize where the issues are rooted. It has created immeasurable results that often lead to my own brain exploding. If motherhood has taught me anything, it's that I am far from being done and have so much more to give. 


Thanks for coming along for the ride. 

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