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What should I expect for my first session?

Fascial Stretch therapy is a pain free, table based assisted stretching technique. Come prepared by wearing comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict you from stretching. When you arrive for your first session, you will fill out an intake form. From there, we will discuss what you wrote down, which might include injury history, soreness, medication you might be taking, history of surgery, etc. Knowing this information will help me understand your body even more once you get on the table for treatment. After this, we will go through different movement patterns to assess how your body moves and where you might be experiencing pain. From there, we will move to the table. I will have you lay down and we will begin your stretch. Just like a massage, you can expect my hands to be on you. Unlike many massage techniques, you will stay clothed. During your session, I will communicate with you to see how you’re feeling. I will have you breathe with me through a lot of your session, and even add some active components from time to time. After your session, I'll have you get up and move around to see how your body is feeling. We will discuss treatment frequency and book accordingly.

What makes Fascial Stretch Therapy so effective?

Many things! FST is unlike any other stretching modality. It is pain free which literally creates space for the body to relax and stop protecting. This is the gateway into the parasympathetic nervous system, which is where healing takes place!This also creates one of the most relaxing moments for some serious self care. On top of that, FST not only targets muscle tissue, but also targets the body’s connective tissue - aka: fascia. You may have heard the term, “everything is connected” and this is why! Fascia covers your entire body; from the deepest layer of your skin, all the way down to your bones. It houses 80% of the body’s nerve endings which means, stretching your fascia is one of the most important systems of the body to pay attention to! And guess what? Fascia is one of the most neglected systems in the body!Lastly, FST targets the joint capsule. This technique creates the most gentle approach to get you “unstuck” and back to moving and living better!

How soon should I expect to see results from FST?

Most clients have reported to see/feel best results after 3-5 sessions

How often should I get stretched?

Each body is unique. We all have different stories. We all hold stress differently.

After you get stretched for the first time, you can expect to receive a recommendation for how often you should get stretched. This could range from twice a week, to once every two to three months.

What do I wear?

Women are suggested to wear leggings or yoga pants and a comfortable top.

Men are suggested to wear sweatpants and a comfortable top.

*SHORTS* Shorts are acceptable. Please wear compression shorts underneath if your shorts are baggy.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

Each client is expected to attend your scheduled session on time. A cancelled or delayed appointment delays our work and can negatively impact other clients. Since your appointments involve the reservation of time specifically for you, out of respect for both your therapist and our other clients, any cancellation made the day before your scheduled stretch, until end of business hours (5pm), will result in a 50% charge of your scheduled session. Any cancellation made after business hours the day before your scheduled session, or the day of your scheduled session will result in a 100% charge.

Any no shows will be charged 100% of your scheduled session.


The only exception to this cancellation policy is in the event of a serious or contagious illness or emergency. We offer one grace for these purposes every six months. Some examples of emergencies are car accidents, deaths in the family or extreme illness. Work issues do not constitute emergencies. This cancellation policy also applies even if missing the appointment was an unintentional act.