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FST For Expectant Mothers

When your body is working hard growing another human, your body is trying to adapt to the constantly changing/growing environment, with little time to make the most optimal adjustments necessary for the best comfort.

Frederick Stretch Therapy can help!

If you’ve been following long enough, you’ve probably caught on to a trend around here. My clients' bellies look smaller after their stretch! below you'll see my own personal before and after photo from one 60 minute session at 31 weeks pregnant:

What you see is improved posture, clear improvement in mood, baby positioned on top of my hips instead of infront of my hips. 

What you don't see - more space for me to breathe, no more rib pain, no more lightening crotch, more stability in my hips.

 So how and why are there so many changes?

Like I mentioned above, the body is changing and growing so fast, it doesn't have time to properly distribute fascia to where it needs to be. What is happening is the fascia is trying to support as best it can in the time it's given.

What ends up happening is the lateral chain gets so tight and restricted that the baby must push forward to find room. This expands and stretches the deep front net, which is traditionally the core/trunk of the body, aka: your body’s typical support system.

When the trunk/core is compromised, it leaves mama aching in her back, hips, and sides with all those areas tightening to try its best to help support the belly in addition to trying to stay balanced.

FST helps properly distribute the fascia and open up the tight, wound up tissue; which ultimately creates more living space for the baby on top of mom's hips instead of out forward, where mom is trying to balance.

If you are a mother-to-be, FST can help bring you comfort as you and baby grow!