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Pain Free Is Better

Pain Free Is Better

You might be wondering why you keep hearing me say, “pain free is better” when all you’ve ever heard is, “no pain, no gain”.

Let me first ask you, have you reached your goals yet?

If your answer is no, your stretching technique, belief, or mindset might just be the reason why.

When you force yourself into a painful stretch, your body begins protecting, but you keep pushing because “it hurts so I must be doing something”. You are doing something... but not what you think. Your muscle tissue is experiencing micro tears because of how much stress you’re putting on it... therefore causing scar tissue to grow.

When we push ourselves into pain, our bodies immediate response is to protect, which ultimately makes things feel even more painful and restricted. 

In the US, we are so stuck on the idea that if we don't feel pain, we're not making progress. Im here to break that mindset and let you know that theres a far better way than pushing yourself into pain. Not only does this belief system not help you reach your goals, it's also negatively impacting your nervous system and your trust between you and your body. You and your body are a team. Your body is for you. It is highly intelligent and it talks to you! Pain is one of your body's signals to CHANGE. Honor it.

When your body experiences pain, this is a huge signal your body is giving you.

So often, especially in our current "no pain, no gain" hustle culture, we push past our bodies' warning signals. This not only promotes a detached relationship between you and your body, but it also damages your body's trust in YOU. 

Far too often I hear of clients telling me how they're in chronic pain, and my regular questions for them is: have you listened to that pain? What is it telling you? When does it flare up and talk to you? And when it does, do you listen to it? 

9 times out of 10, the answer is "no, I don't know what you mean by listening to it. Pain is pain and I just thought this was my life." 

I'm here to tell you pain is not normal and is not a normal part of life or aging or anything our culture has told you. I'm also here to let you know that we CAN get you out of pain. It begins with simply tuning into your body and your pain signals. Lets learn to honor our pain. I can guarantee you one thing... When you honor your body's signals for change, it will honor you right back. 

And what I mean by that is this: You will begin to see change. You will begin to move better. You and your body will become a team again. You CAN be pain free. You don't need more pain to find relief.  


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