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Holiday Gift Guide - Our favorite wellness tools!

Holiday Gift Guide - Our favorite wellness tools!

As the Holidays are approaching, I wanted to answer one of the most popular questions we get in our treatment rooms daily, and that is "what can I do at home?" 

I've organized everything based on brand, topic, and sleep/pain relief. You'll find that all these products easily intertwine with one another with their benefits. I hope you find that perfect self-care tool to add to your daily regimen and promote even better health in the new year! 


1. Therasage Infrared: 

I found therasage a little over a year ago when I attended a chronic pain and fascia summit. I learned all about the founder, and his journey to creating affordable at-home wellness tools that are of the highest quality to help his daughters battle with Lyme disease. Every single product on the website is top tier. The products that I have experienced myself and absolutely love are: 

Red Light Panels - What can I say about red light other than, I love it and it is my #1 favorite at home self care tool. I used my red light immediately postpartum for aiding in healing my diastatis recti (ab separation) and helping my uterus shrink back to normal size. I believe this helped with the ease, and speed in which I recovered postpartum. Beyond postpartum, I use my red light for EVERYTHING. From feeling low in energy, to feeling pale and wrinkled in my face, to inflammation and pain. This particular red light is a favorite of mine because it is a mat! Most red lights on the market are hard structures that need a stand or have to be mounted to the wall. I can easily use this mat while watching a christmas movie, or reading a book comfortably, or even while working at my desk. It takes no extra time out of my day, and it's easily stored because of how compact it is! Purchase your red light panel! Code: IMPERIUM20 saves you.


Sauna - I have been sauna-ing for several years now, and nothing makes me feel better than a good sweat session. Before trying infrared saunas, I was 100% anticipating not enjoying just sweating nonstop for 20-40 minutes, but I came out as a new woman and was so excited about the benefits. Weekly sauna use decreases risks for alzheimers and dementia by 20%, 3-4x a week use decreases your risk by up to 60%. Let alone, the cardiovascular benefits as well as the detoxification and lymphatic drainage that comes with a healthy sweat are massive reasons to have a sauna in your home. This sauna in particular is FOLDABLE. You can easily fit this sauna in small places, and even travel with it. That's not even the best part… The red lights I talked about already?  Yeah, you can hang those red lights in your sauna. Not up for a sweat sesh, but want the benefits of infrared light? Just lay on the red lights! There are many functions for all therasage products, which is one of the many reasons I share their products so frequently and why you'll see their red lights in our offices. The quality and functionality of therasage is unmatched.


Purchase your infrared sauna! Code: IMPERIUM20 saves you.

EMF Blocker - Im not sure about you, but I have become very aware of how EMF’s affect my body. I don’t wear my smart watch if I don't have to, I'll turn my phone on airplane mode where I can, and never sleep with either on me or my bed. The Therasage EMF blockers are easy, affordable and they work! You can use my code, IMPERIUM20 site wide to shop all their wellness tools to help make the health of you and your family that much stronger in the new year! Purchase your EMF blocker!



Sleep Support:

Pranamat - Ok, I may have lied… this is also a #1 in my house! I have used my pranamat for almost a decade now, and it is the easiest way to help my nervous system calm down, boost my parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest), and without fail, I sleep deeper and feel more rested after every use. I’ve used the pranamat for back/neck aches, constipation, back pain, anxiety, pregnancy recovery/postpartum healing, increased lymphatic drainage support, and so much more. The pranamat is my right hand man when it comes to helping my body find homeostasis. It is also 100% (begrudgingly) husband approved LOL. My husband has dealt with insomnia from his decade in the military and years of shift work/nights. He is not the biggest fan of the pranamat when he begins his session but without fail, after every session, he is ready for bed and sleeps HARD. He has succumbed to the benefits and will use it when he knows he needs a good night of sleep. I hope you’ll give it a try! Code: IMPERIUM saves you. 

Proze CBD -  started using Proze back in 2020. I never had sleep issues, but I had seen others in the Fascia world begin to talk about them, and decided to learn more. When I began using Proze NODZZZ for sleep, I could not believe the difference it made. As I mentioned, I never had trouble going to sleep, but with Proze, I am out like a light within 30 minutes of taking the spray. I used NODZZZ throughout my pregnancy and on the nights that I forgot to take it, I noticed just how uncomfortable I could have been all throughout pregnancy if I didn’t take it at all. I slept like a rock throughout pregnancy thanks to NODZZZ! I also purchased all their other products and immediately fell in love with every single one of them. What I love most is that all the ingredients are natural ingredients from nature and third party tested. I use their CBD gum for a pump up before a workout, their GUMMIEZ for any mid-afternoon slump, the SHIELD for morning antioxidant boost, the NERVE cream for aches and pains (so much more effective than anything else I've tried while still being a natural treatment! This is a favorite for my clients as well.) and the NODZZZ for sleep every night. I love everything about their products and what they stand for. Proze has become a staple in my daily routine going on four years now! Purchase your CBD! Code: IMPERIUM saves you! 

Earthing Bed Mat - What ever happened to being connected to nature and the ground under our toes? I grew up coming inside after dark with feet so dirty, my mom had to bathe me all the time. If you know anything about the earth and the beginning of time, you know that we are created from it. It only makes sense that we are recharged by it! We purchased the earthing bed mat after watching the one hour documentary on YouTube (click here to watch) and our sleep has changed ten fold. We wake up energized, with the sun, without alarms. Our inflammation has gone down, our days feel full of energy. Our circadian rhythms feel restored. I am a firm believer in these products. Whether you need some earthing magic under your work desk for your feet, or in your bed, you cant go wrong with these products. If you are looking for a way to improve your health in the new year, this is a simple, easy way that requires no added time to your day!  click here to purchase your earthing mat!  Discount is applied at checkout. 

Inflammation Support:

Normatec compression Boots - These normatec compression boots were my saving grace during pregnancy. I believe they aided in having very little swelling. I never had to stop wearing my wedding bands, and I never had to size up in shoes! My husband loves this product because it feels so good and relaxing. You could sit in these all day and truly never tire of it. They aid in lymphatic drainage, overall fluid flow and circulation, and down regulation. Click here to purchase your normatec compression boots!

The following items also aid in inflammation support:

Red light


Earthing Mat


Hallstein water - For the last year and a half, I have been on a water JOURNEY. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had HG (Hypermesis Graviderim - aka: chronic vomiting.) I lost 22 pounds in 3 weeks and every.thing. made me vomit. Including water, which brought me to the ER for fluids because of how dehydrated I was. Because of how hyper sensitive I was to all tastes and smells while pregnant, I became very fixated on what our water pipes looked like and because I talked about it so much, I started getting targeted ads for all things water. I got to a point where I got an ad that had a picture of our absolutely horrendous city water pipes that said “do you know what you're drinking?” and I immediately told my husband we needed to invest in a berkey. But I didn’t stop there. I started reading blogs and listening to podcasts about how in america, our water is stripped of its essential nutrients during the purification process. In the desperate attempt of purifying our water from the heavy metals, toxins, and other chemicals that our drinking water is exposed to in our pipes, we also end up stripping it of having anything good as well. This is where I found Hallstein water. The Hallstein water is untouched artisan water found 700 feet underground in the Austrian Alps. They do absolutely nothing to this water. It has the perfect balance of nutrients after arriving in the aquifer after an 8 year natural filtration journey. Starting from raindrops at the top of the mountain and flowing through 700 feet of limestone before settling. Because the aquifer is 700 feet underground, it is protected from pollutants that would typically degrade the quality of the water. The founders of Hallstein dug a well after years of vigorous testing. They now offer the highest quality of untouched water, rich in electrolytes that our bodies need for optimal hydration. My family has been drinking Hallstein water for several months now, and I for one have noticed that I am drinking far less water while feeling way more hydrated. I typically drink 120-150 ounces of water a day (I am breastfeeding) and sometimes I still feel I need more. Since adding Hallstein to our routine, the need for more than 80 ounces of water daily has been minimal. We all drink one glass a day of Hallstein water in addition to our LMNT electrolytes listed below. I have also noticed my lips are far less chapped, I don’t urinate as frequently, and I don’t die of thirst like I once did. We are hydrating ourselves on the cellular level, which is allowing our organs (fascia included) to be able to function as they should! If you have not dug into the quality of your water, let Holstein Water be your family gift to yourselves! \

Purchase your Holstein water!


Drink LMNT  - Last but not least is my favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration, energy, and overall better mental clarity. I began taking LMNT when I pregnant, and have not stopped since. I have noticed such a difference in my energy levels when I take LMNT. Throughout my postpartum healing/4th trimester, I would drink 2 packets a day. Now, I am a 1 packet a day gal, and on occasion, depending on workout intensity or if Ive just not hydrated well, I will notice my body craving more than one packet of LMNT. My favorite flavor is orange salt. It reminds me of chikfila lemonade! We love having the 30 pack at home. it will easily get us through the month and especially when we travel, we will pack several packets to help with air travel inflammation and dehydration. 

Purchase your LMNT electrolytes here! 



I hope you enjoyed this gift guide and found something special for the ones you love this holiday season. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions on any products. We would love to help! 

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