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Frederick Stretch Therapy

What is Frederick Stretch Therapy(FST) and why do you need it?

FST is a pain-free, table-based, guided stretch technique that uses active and passive components of movement to target the body’s connective tissue, known as neuromyofascia.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “everything is connected” at one point in time or another. Neuromyofascia, also known as fascia, is the reason why everything in your body IS connected.

Fascia is interlaced through the entire body. From the deepest layer of skin, all the way down to your bones. As studies continue to be done, we are finding that fascia is truly a part of every major system in the body. Fascia can be found in your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and organs.

Most importantly, the fascia is highly integrated through our body's endocrine system, lymphatic system, and deeply connected to the nervous system as well.

This is huge. This means that by targeting the fascia, you are not only able to increase fluid flow, but also break up adhesions in the tissue, break down scar tissue, relieve aches and pains, decrease inflammation, and bring harmony back into the body.

FST does not simply relieve pain. It is not just for athletes. FST has something to offer everyone from every walk of life, simply because the fascia is integrated into every crevice of the body.

Have questions? Reach out.
Or book an initial appointment to bring your body back into balance. We can’t wait to have you experience the magic of FST!

Learn More From Sophia

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